SMK Maarif Wates Earn National Certification

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Directorate of Vocational Education Ministry of Education and Culture set SMK Maarif 1 Wates as implementing competency testing and engineering sertifikasinasional motorcycle .
Director of Vocational School Trustees AnangCahyono said the Ministry of Education and Culture in cooperation with PT Astra Honda Motor ( AHM ) would like to achieve self-sufficiency efforts for SMK in Indonesia.
Forward , and AHM hope SMK Kemendikbud not only mengandalkanbantuan of the government and the parents , but to cooperate with the private sector as practiced by SMK Ma'arif1 Wates .
" Our vision pushed forward yaknibagaimana SMK in Indonesia was no longer rely on the help of the government and the parents , but to cooperate with the independent third party . The hope , yangdihasilkan by SMK graduates can directly work and open the job up his own field , " he said , Anang said Cahyono , Sunday ( 09/01/2013 ) .
Meanwhile, the Director of PT AHM , Mark Budiman said in addition to cooperating with SMK Maarif , it will continue to work closely with the SMK in Indonesia

Itulah tadi Sahabat Komunitas Warga Kulon Progo,sedikit uraian tentang SMK Maarif Wates Earn National Certification .

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