Low price , Socialization Land Acquisition Fails

Hallo sahabatku, Komunitas Warga Kulon Progo, Kita jumpa lagi Pada Artikel ini. Pada hari ini , saya telah siap membagikan artikel sederhana buat anda. Yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul Low price , Socialization Land Acquisition Fails, Kami berharap isi postingan Artikel arsip berita kulonprogo, ini bisa bermanfaat buat kita semua.

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: juhadi <juhadi.kp@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2013 18:33:33 +0800
Subject: Low price , Socialization Land Acquisition Fails
To: Juhadi.kp.kwkp@blogger.com

Glagah ( KRjogja.com ) - Socialization lahanpasir exemption for the
location ofthe iron ore processing plant ataupigirondi one restaurant
in Glagah , Temon , Thursday ( 09/05/2013 ) to no avail . Meeting
Kulon Progo Regency and PT Jogja Magaza Iron ( JMI ) with
Karangwuni citizens who joined the Society of Coastal Land Farmers (
PPLP ) only lasted about an hour .
Residents were initially enthusiastic socialization , apparently
after hearing the explanation Ir Astungkoro Secretary and Director
Heru Priyono SDMPT JMI and dialogue for a while , suddenly states
still refuse iron sand mining . With land prices offered reasons JMI
too cheap , Rp 75 thousand residents agreed to continue the dialogue
and do not want to leave the meeting room .
In front of 200 of the residents , said the benefits Astungkoro
large iron sand mining for PAD and local residents , including his
<I> multplier <P> jikaproyek effect manifested as the presence of a
number of downstream industries and small business opportunities .
While Heru Priyono reveal about the many job opportunities that can
be captured as well as the citizens of post-mining reclamation .
Members receive socialization PPLP admitted belumbisa delivered . "
We doubt that reclamation will be done JMI . Moreover, post-mining
reclamation efforts always fail , karenamenimbulkan environmental
damage , "said Eko .
Mujiran assess the amount of land uangkompensasi Rp 75 thousand per
square meter terlau kecildan not comparable with those for the
agricultural produce .
" Change lose too small . Because of the results of my red pepper
plant for four Kepek only in satumusim Rp 79 million , while the
compensation offered JMI for 30 years only Rp 75 million , " he
explained .
Supriyadi PPLP Chairman questioned the plan to build a factory in
Karangwuni . Because according Spatial regulation , industrial areas
are in Sentolo . " You're kidding , right Wates not enter the
industrial area but why the factory would be built . For residents ,
the coastal land ' honey ' that can be relied sustain economic life
, sehinggakami not require mining , " he said .
Coordinator PPLP Karangwuni village Sutar and formed a team called
JMI Sunardi not cause unrest to influence and threaten the residents
to sell their land bought by investors . " We are menyarankantim
perlurepot not affect the residents bother , because we 've got a
choice to remain farming and mining refuse , " he said .

Itulah tadi Sahabat Komunitas Warga Kulon Progo,sedikit uraian tentang Low price , Socialization Land Acquisition Fails.

Oh ya kawan, sebelum anda meninggalkan halaman ini mungkin beberapa artikel pada halaman di bawah ini juga sedang anda cari.

Semoga artikel Low price , Socialization Land Acquisition Fails yang saya bagikan di hari ini, mudah-mudahan bisa memberi manfaat buat anda semua. Oke, sampai disini dulu yaaaah....Lain kali jumpa di postingan artikel berikutnya.

Terimakasih anda telah membaca artikel Low price , Socialization Land Acquisition Fails dan bila artikel ini bermanfaat menurut anda tolong bagikan ke rekan sanak saudara anda agar mereka juga tahu tentang ha ini, bagikan artikel ini dengan alamat link https://kwkp.blogspot.com/2013/09/low-price-socialization-land.html

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