Attack rice seed varieties cite Kulonprogro

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Kulon Progo, Rice Attack which is indigenous to Kulon Progo Regency
will be launched as a rice seed.Launching theplan will be carried out
by the Regents of Kulon Progo, Hasto Ward on Thursday (12/9) next

Hasto regent Ward said, launching Rice Attack aims to lift indigenous
rice varieties Kulonprogro.So far,Rice Attack yet known to the publica
lot, even the farmers themselves Kulonprogro many use varieties from
outside the area.

"We will launch the original Kulonprogrorice, super rice, with
planting premiered on September 12. Paddy Attack is a native rice
Kulonprogro and wewill lift it," said Hasto, Friday (6/9).

In addition to native varieties Kulonprogro lifting, launching Rice
Attack once expected to increase farmers' income Kulonprogromaking it
more prosperous.Because, after launching, future products will be
packaged varieties of rice alone.Subsequently marketed and used by
people of Kulon Progo.

"Rice is our own container, we market, we use, so the farmer gets high
enough results," he said.
According Hasto, this step is one of the local government continued
efforts to improve the welfare of the community through programs Bela
Kulonprogo.Dalam Buy This program encouraged people to defend a local
product by buying local products.

"By buying local, then the money supply will remain inKulon Progo and
willnot come out, even to a foreign country.This is so that the money
supply in the Kulon Progo.If we buy foreign products, foreign money
will run, "he added.
Separately, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry
(Dispertahut) KulonProgo, M Aris Nugroho said, launching the inaugural
planting by the Regents will be held in the Village Banjararum.Rice
varieties Attack excellence isfeeling good and fluffier rice, so in
terms of quality is more superior than other varieties.

For the first stage in the Village Banjararum, planting is done on an
area of 40 ha.If successful will bedeveloped in three different
locations, each of which also 40 ha.Developmentwill continue in other
locations so itwill be a branding Rice Attack Rice Kulonprogro.

"It will continue to be Rice Attack Rice Kulonprogro branding or
icon.Attack with Paddy rice quality is good, the resale value willbe
higher, so it will increase the incomeand welfare of farmers, "he

(Panuju Triangga/ CN39 /su

Itulah tadi Sahabat Komunitas Warga Kulon Progo,sedikit uraian tentang Attack rice seed varieties cite Kulonprogro.

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