Angkasa Pura Requested Data Completes Repair

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Regional Secretary (Secretary) Kulonprogro Astungkoro mengatakan he indeed had been asked to be part of the team plan to build an airport. Later the team will work to smooth realization of the airport in Kulon Progo. Planned series of major tasks will be separated robin group.
Major task is associated operational plans for the airport railway, electricity, roads and water. "The little ones, the process for preparing the public infrastructure," said Astungkoro, after watching the second stage down payment of land acquisition for the construction of coastal iron ore processing plant, in Glagah, Temon, Friday (08/23/2013).
Sekda deliver the response to the statement Vice Chairman Salah DPRDsetempat Wibowo who asked for more pro-active local government to communicate the plan to build an airport in Kulon Progo while maximizing its role as part of the team that formed the local government in order to realize mega DIY project.
For the smooth process of airport development plan, Secretary PTAngkasa Pura hoping to finish the repair data is then forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation. Thus, the Permit Area Determination (IPL) which has been eagerly awaited by the central government immediately issued. "My hope is resolved soon," he explained.
In addition to asking local government more proactively communicate the plan to build an airport, Salah Wibowo also establish communication with people in particular who have not agreed terhadaprencana mega development projects. "Local government should actively ask for clarity realization," said the politician PKB.
Given the plan to build an airport in Temon has become a big issue and most awaited development, the local government should be more pro-active bengkomunikasi with people who do not agree. With good communication can certainly reduce the number of people who do not agree.
"Since the construction of the airport is a priority, then the district government should approach the parties have not agreed. How was the existence of the airport will be open access Kulonprogro with the outside world, "he added clarity of the information will help provide a thorough understanding. So people that do not currently support finally agreed.

Itulah tadi Sahabat Komunitas Warga Kulon Progo,sedikit uraian tentang Angkasa Pura Requested Data Completes Repair.

Oh ya kawan, sebelum anda meninggalkan halaman ini mungkin beberapa artikel pada halaman di bawah ini juga sedang anda cari.

Semoga artikel Angkasa Pura Requested Data Completes Repair yang saya bagikan di hari Selasa, 18 Maret 2025 ini, mudah-mudahan bisa memberi manfaat buat anda semua. Oke, sampai disini dulu yaaaah....Lain kali jumpa di postingan artikel berikutnya.

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